Marketing Strategies

Living the new normal: how to engage consumers in a post-pandemic world

The onset of the COVID-19 epidemic in March of 2020 disrupted the global economy. It forced many companies to change their products or services as well as the way they market to customers. Consumer behavior during the pandemic changed drastically. For example, consumers wanted perks such as safe delivery and curbside pickup options, demand for CPG products increased, and even the demographics of who was doing the shopping for the household shifted. As vaccines are administered, and consumers look forward to a return to normalcy – companies must decipher how much of the changes brought around by the pandemic will be permanent.

Accenture’s recent report on consumer behavior found that 95% of consumers polled said they had made at least one change to their lifestyle that they expect will be permanent after the pandemic.1
“Working from home, changing travel patterns, and a growing desire to shop locally are challenging industries to fundamentally rethink how they cater to the pandemic-adapted consumer,” Accenture said in a statement announcing the survey findings.2

A Forrester survey of U.S. consumers corroborates Accenture’s findings. Forrester found that only 16% of those surveyed believe they will revert to a pre-pandemic sense of normalcy after the pandemic subsides, and 75% say that the pandemic and related crises will drive long-term changes in their behaviors and preferences.3

Let’s dig into the changes to consumer behavior that are most likely to stay and how companies can adjust to ensure they are offering relevant services/products and targeting the right audiences with the right message.

1. The shift to online shopping

Online shopping isn’t going anywhere. Before the pandemic, it was increasing in popularity. During the pandemic, online shopping was the only safe option, and consumers adopted it in droves. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. consumers spent $211.5 billion on e-commerce during the second quarter of 2020,4 up 31.8% quarter-over-quarter. Ravi Jariwala, senior director of public relations for Walmart e-commerce, notes that such a drastic shift in consumer behavior would typically take place over years. “The events of the last year have resulted in such a significant acceleration both from a consumer and a business standpoint. We’ve seen shopping behavior from consumers just fast-forward,”Jirwala said.5

2. The rise of the remote workforce

When the pandemic hit, non-essential employees went remote. A WeWork and HR Research study found that 79% of employers plan to let their employees split their time between corporate offices and remote working if their job allows for it. 76% say they’re likely to give their employees a stipend to work from home or a co-working space.6 The same survey also found that post-COVID, employees want to split their time between their company HQ, home, and other locations such as satellite offices, co-working spaces, and public spaces like a library or café. A similar research report by Envoy, a provider of workplace safety tools, found that nearly half of U.S. full and part-time employees would rather quit than be forced back into the office every day.7

3. The growth of homeownership & home improvement

Some audiences that could be worth targeting? Homeowners and new movers. Americans are buying homes in record numbers.

The Mortgage Bankers Association reports that “mortgage applications for new home purchases increased 33 percent compared to a year ago” in August and 27.1 percent in November compared to a year ago.8 Data from online listing company, Zillow, show that in September 2020, the typical home sold in only 16 days, down from 28 days a year earlier.9 The New York Times reports that some Americans are combining the top two pandemic activities, shopping online and buying a home. Due to the frenzied housing market, the Times reports that many shoppers are buying homes online, sight unseen.10

In addition to shopping for homes, many consumers are sprucing up the homes they do have. Now that many have been house-bound, they have invested in ways to improve their homes or make them more comfortable. Home improvement retailers, such as Lowes and Home Depot have reported a bump in 2020 sales.11

4. The convenience economy

During the pandemic, there was a boom in the “convenience” economy. Offers such as one-day shipping, which had previously been a perk, became essential. Some companies began offering same-day delivery or even promised to have products delivered within the hour. Other offers, such as curbside pickup, also increased in popularity as it became unsafe to have shoppers packed next to each other in storefronts. Online grocery shopping and delivery services also saw a surge in popularity.12 Consumers paid premiums to have their groceries delivered to their doorstep without setting foot in a store.

Online grocery, expedited delivery, and curbside pickup are most likely here to stay – although not at pandemic levels. Much like with online shopping, consumers have gotten used to the convenience and efficiency of these options.13

How can advertisers be sure that they are targeting the right people?

The pandemic altered consumer behaviors, changed the landscape across industries, and created new rules of engagement for marketers. Brands need to create messaging that fits the new normal, tailor their offerings to fit those needs, and target new customer segments to reflect who is buying, and how to reach them.

  • Target new consumer segments – Your old customers may not look like your current customers. Building custom audiences to reach across a variety of digital channels allows companies to target the right audience at the right time. For example, companies can target new movers, early holiday shoppers, homeowners with specific demographic attributes, or create their own custom audiences. This is a particularly useful initiative if you can leverage insights from look-alike models informed by your existing best customers and aimed to identify new ones.
  • Contact decision makers outside the office – For B2B companies, most of the people you want to contact are working from home. Having their office number isn’t going to help your sales team reach them if they have switched to their mobile phone. Investing in data that allows you to reach prospects outside of the office is more important than ever. Furthermore, combining consumer datapoints with business data, can provide a complete picture of your customers and their preferences and interests. Data solutions provide alternative ways of reaching executives and business owners when your existing contact information is no longer relevant.
  • Re-engage your existing customers and prospects across channels – The channels that worked to reach your audience before the pandemic might not be the best way to reach them now. You can create highly-targeted remarketing campaigns to reach consumers who visited your website on various digital platforms – from Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to Google, Amazon and many more. Use this remarketing effort to give them an extra nudge towards purchasing.
  • Engage a partner – In times of uncertainty, data is an invaluable tool. Companies need to consider using a solutions provider to build custom audiences to reach across a variety of digital channels. Data Axle’s “new normal” audiences, for example, target consumers who are most likely to spend on specific categories while staying at home. Investing in audiences that better reflect sudden changes in consumer behavior will result in higher engagement and conversion rates.


The pandemic caused a massive shift in consumer behavior and preferences – one that has only accelerated as the pandemic wears on. Now that there’s light at the end of the tunnel, companies need to determine which behaviors and preferences are here to stay – which is no easy feat. However, there are ways that companies can reach out to new target audiences and re-engage with current or lapsed customers to drive growth as we head into an uncertain future.


Learn more about our new normal audiences or contact us to learn more.

Natasia Langfelder
Content Marketing Manager

As Content Marketing Manager, Natasia is responsible for helping strategize, produce and execute Data Axle's content. With a passion for writing and an enthusiasm for data management and technology, Natasia creates content that is designed to deliver nuggets of wisdom to help brands and individuals elevate their data governance policies. A native New Yorker, when Natasia is not at work she can be found enjoying New York’s food scene, at one of NYC’s many museums, or at one of the city’s many parks with her two teacup yorkies.