After much waiting and preparation, the time has come to go to market with a new product or marketing campaign to boost awareness, and your company needs to build a campaign plan that will produce favorable results. With all the marketing possibilities available these days, it takes some thought out strategic planning to come up with the best marketing plan for a specific product.
Who is your target market? How should you reach them? Which offers will be most valuable to the consumer as well as your marketing budget? These questions will help you get started with forming a successful campaign plan but there are many more options to consider. A certain technique may work well for one marketer and their product, but the outcome could be very different for another marketer depending on their unique campaign assets. It is important to think of the entire campaign vision and goals while you start to put your company’s marketing strategy together.
In this two-part series, we’ll discuss 10 ways to make sure you are achieving the best marketing campaign results and you are on the way to future profitable campaigns. Read on to learn how to strategize and implement your campaign.
1) Target the most opportune audience. First and foremost, choose who you will target with your offer. What type of characteristics would people most likely to purchase or sign up have? For a brand new product, it is best to have a few variables in place such as different age groups or geography so you can get a feel of who is most interested.
2) Create an exciting one-of-a kind offer. What is going to make your offer stand out? Why should a consumer choose your product over a competitor’s? It is important to do your research for similar products and see what else is out there in the marketplace. Be sure to include an offer that will make the consumer want to come back a second time. For example, after a customer makes an initial purchase, add in a second offer that on their next purchase they get another deal. Combined deals will make the consumer eager to buy. Also create urgency with any offer by giving offer deadlines. If your email is mostly informative and does not have a call-to-action other than signing up for future emails, there is little to be excited about from a consumer standpoint and there is no timely incentive either. Try to have a combination offer that will not only help you earn more leads by consumers filling out a sign-up sheet but also offer them a reward.
3) Build an engaging creative and landing page. Email marketing has many best practices that should be followed when building your HTML and landing page for a campaign. Adding the URL in the top half of the creative will increase response rates. The CTA should be within a colorful button or have large/bold lettering so it draws eyes in. For the landing page, if there is a sign up page…make it easy and quick. It is a good idea to add a reward when a new sign up occurs, such as a free product sample for signing up. Make sure to include social media sharing buttons – that is the simplest promoting there is!
4) Promote your brand. The way you choose to promote your campaign and how often is just as pertinent as the offer itself. By promoting your new product on social media sites, writing blog posts, creating editorial-style content, or simply spreading the word via direct mail, every little bit helps. The more product news that gets out there and the more reviews consumers can read on your site, the quicker they’ll start to trust the new product.
5) Set your communication cadence. Deciding on how many emails to send, when to email, if you should follow up with a direct mail offer or begin with one, are some general cadence questions the planning team should ask themselves. It often takes more than one time and one medium to get a consumer’s attention and your campaign plan should be ready with a cadence strategy that covers all options.
In part-two of this series, we’ll go over some quick tips for reporting and creating longevity for your marketing campaign.
For more information on creating a successful customer experience with your campaign, check out our latest webinar.