Are you a Data Rockstar 🤘 or a Data Novice 🤔?

Take this self-assessment quiz to find out where you rank!

October 10, 2020   |   4 min read

The amount of data companies are managing in their CRM system is growing and brands need to develop solid data governance strategies to manage it. In fact, a properly-managed CRM system can improve customer retention by as much as 27%, and well-nurtured leads can drive 50% more sales. Increased productivity, accurate reporting, informed decision-making and scalability are just a few of the reasons marketing departments are allocating more of their budgets than ever before to ensure data accuracy and integrity.

In order to be a Data Rockstar 🤘, organizations need to focus on:

  • Data that offers a 360-degree view of their clients and prospects which powers accurate insight & strategy development
  • Clean, complete and up-to-date data, preferably human and machine verified
  • Implementing processes and technologies that support data accessibility and data hygiene

For the majority of companies, being a Data Rockstar requires cooperation among cross-functional teams and cannot be achieved by a single person. To truly assess your organization’s data proficiency, work with key stakeholders at your organization to take the following quiz and assess if your data management strategies are keeping your data clean and valuable. Keeping data clean and accessible requires interdepartmental cooperation and communication.

We’ve broken the quiz up into Marketing, Sales, and Leadership questions, to reflect the cross-functional teams that need to work together on this issue. If you can’t take the test with the appropriate stakeholders, answer as best you can.

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